"I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
I will advise you and watch over you."
— Psalm 32:8 (NLT)

Our Story
Article Written by Marie Martinez, Spring 2011 Newsletter, Mosaic Small Groups.
It is exciting how God is using the Filipino/Asian Fellowship of Calvary Temple to reach the Asian community here in Wayne, NJ and beyond.
After the Filipino church plant of 2007 in Clifton, NJ under Pastor Ted Abenis, only four Filipino families remained at Calvary, including Myk Alba and his wife Thessa. Myk helped his predecessor with various duties and special events and was naturally designated to lead the remaining families.
Encouraged by Psalm 32:8 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye," Myk directed the Filipino and later Filipino/Asian believers. This occurred at the same time that Calvary Temple launched the Mosaic Small Groups Ministry. With the help of Pastor Brad, they began their first study: "Sacred Echoes", a multimedia DVD teaching about how God can be seen in everything. Since then, they have revisited the Ten Commandments, acquainted themselves with the teachings in the book of Romans, and are now studying the sixteen Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God. In addition to their home bible study and fellowship (in Tagalog, the native Filipino language), the group does community service, evangelism, and retreats once a year.
The group now also includes members from the Asian heritage. they meet at various locations in Wayne, NJ but also in Pennsylvania and New York. The goal is to establish Small Groups in these latter cities. And what's more, the Lord has also been working on his wife's heart to start a children's ministry within the group.
As always, with great plans come great challenges. In 2009 the group experience divers trials both on a personal and group level. Many individuals faced relational and financial problems, but through prayer and financial support, coupled with counseling, the group remained unmoved. The stress was so great on Myk's family that he had just about given up had the members not rallied around him with love and encouragement. What the enemy meant for evil, God turned around for their good. The fellowship became tightly knit as their hearts drew nearer to God. After this tring time, instead of meeting monthly, they decided to meet weekly (Fridays, 8pm - 10:30pm).
While brother Myk was busy plowing and attending the NJ District School of Ministry at Calvary Temple, at first to improve his knowledge of the Bible, so he can better guid his group in the Word of God, he was invited into the Minister-In-Training (MIT) program under our Senior Pastor, Dr. Rev. Thomas W. Keinath, D. Min.
Did Myk ever wonder what God had called him to do? Most likely! Is he now certain of it? I think so! A pastor once said that, "one way to know what God has called you to do is to put your hands to the plow, and you'll soon find out if it's God or not (If God is in it, the work will prosper)."